Manufacturing Wood and Grass Pellets

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This module covers the fundamentals of manufacturing biomass pellets on the farm, to be used as a renewable fuel.  Procedures, equipment, and economics are all discussed, with ample time for questions and feedback. 

Link to all of the Northeast Farm Energy IQ Curriculum, developed by Extension specialists from Penn State, Rutgers and University of Vermont.

This is part of the On Farm Energy Production Curriculum Series: 

Bioenergy Feedstock Production | Biodiesel and SVO | Biogas | Wood and Grass Pellets | Solar Electric and Thermal | Wind Power

This module includes:




Module Author, Dr. Dan Ciolkosz, is a research and extension associate in Penn State’s Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. He works to develop engineering know-how that will help Pennsylvania’s farms produce bioenergy and improve energy efficiency. His research currently focuses on the biomass densification and thermochemical conversion, in an effort to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the process.


If you wish to adapt these curriculum materials for your own educational purposes, please contact the Module Author for permission and files:

Daniel Ciolkosz
222 Agricultural Engineering
Penn State
University Park, PA 16802